IVE Data-Driven Communications

What Are The Best Times To Send Your EDMs?

Email marketing has long been a reliable way for businesses to communicate with their customers. But the best practices for email marketing are constantly evolving, and what worked well in the past may not be effective today. In fact, recent data suggests that the most effective times to send marketing emails are changing rapidly.

Nighttime Emails: The New Trend

One surprising trend in email marketing is the increasing effectiveness of nighttime emails. Experian data shows that emails sent between 8 pm and 11:59 pm have a high-quality open rate of 21.7%, and emails sent between midnight and 4 am have a rate of 17.6%. Click-through rates are also higher during these times, with rates of 4.2% and 3.2% respectively.

So why are nighttime emails becoming more effective? One possibility is that people are checking their emails while relaxing in the evening, perhaps while watching TV. In this more relaxed setting, they may have more interest in a deal or offer that they might overlook during the busy morning rush to work. Deloitte statistics show that one in two consumers check their phones in the middle of the night, and close to one in three (30%) will do so immediately before going to sleep. Meanwhile, 40% of consumers will check their phone immediately after waking up.

Capitalizing on Weekends for Email Marketing

Another trend that has emerged is the effectiveness of weekend emails. Emails sent on weekends have a lower overall open rate, but because people receive fewer emails on weekends, these emails are likely to remain more prominent in the inbox for longer periods. With mobile phones allowing people to check their emails quickly, even during the weekend when they are away from work, there is a higher chance of catching their attention.

However, it’s important to note that weekends may not be effective for all brands. In fact, Mondays and Fridays also offer positive data, with Mondays offering a good ROI for an EDM and Fridays having some of the best click-through rates. Therefore, brands should experiment with A/B testing to determine which days and times work best for their particular brand.

Understanding Your Audience and Their Sector

It’s important to consider the sector in which a brand operates to determine the best time to target their audience. For example, if a brand sells IT products, sending an email during the day when users are frustrated with their technology breaking down and seeking a solution might be more effective. Likewise, if you work in PR, you probably want to send your emails when journalists and media influencers – the people who you want to create stories about your clients – are actually at work.

On the other hand, brands that sell fashion and other retail products may benefit from late-night browsers and shoppers. In the end, the hard-and-fast rules that once governed EDM best practice no longer apply. The only way you’re going to know what works for your specific audience is robust, and frequent testing, and making sure you stay on top of your customer’s evolving usage habits.

Conclusion: Testing and Staying on Top of Evolving Habits

In conclusion, email marketing best practices are no longer one-size-fits-all. Brands should frequently test their email campaigns and stay on top of their customers’ evolving usage habits to determine the best time and day to send their emails. With the changing landscape of email marketing, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and adapt to them accordingly. By doing so, businesses can continue to reach their customers effectively and achieve their marketing goals.

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